AAPI Legislative Caucus Priority Bills on the Governor's Desk for Signature
There is still time to let the Governor know you support these important measures for the AAPI Community! Please consider writing in a support letter to leg.unit@gov.ca.gov. Support letter templates and factsheets for each bill are provided below.
The AAPI Legislative Caucus partnered with Stop AAPI Hate on the following legislation to further combat the rise in anti-Asian hate.
AB 2448 (Ting) - Requires the Civil Rights Department, formerly the Department of Fair Employment and Housing, to create a pilot program that would recognize businesses for creating safe and welcoming environments free from discrimination and harassment of customers.
Support Letter Template | Fact sheet
SB 1161 (Min) – This measure is a starting point and requires the Mineta Transportation Institute at San Jose State University to develop a survey tool that transit operators can administer to develop data-driven initiatives to help prevent street harassment on public transportation systems.
Support Letter Sample | Fact sheet
As the state with the most Asian-owned businesses in the nation, we strongly support the following legislation:
AB 2164 (Lee) - Supports local jurisdictions with sustainable funding to improve accessibility in their regions by: (1) removing the January 1, 2024 fee sunset, enabling local governments to collect the $4.00 business license fee indefinitely; and (2) clarifying local jurisdictions’ ability to use these funds for physical accessibility improvements.
Support Letter Template | Fact sheet
Finally, the remaining bills raise the visibility of Asian American culture, stories and history in California by codifying the following holidays.
AB 1801 (Nazarian) - Establishes April 24th as a state holiday referred to as "Genocide Remembrance Day."
Support Letter Template | Fact sheet
AB 2596 (Low) - Recognizes Asian culture and celebrates the fabric of American diversity by adding Lunar New Year Day to the official list of state holiday.
Support Letter Template | Fact sheet
For a full list of our 2022 Policy Priorities, please click here.