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2024 AAPILC Policy Priority Package

AB 2573 (Mike Fong) - Policy fellows: status of services: Asian Pacific Islander Capitol Association (APICA)
The bill would provide that the services of a policy fellow provided by the Asian Pacific Islander Capitol Association (APICA) are not compensation, a reward, a gift, an interest, a business, a transaction, a professional activity, or an obligation, and a policy fellow is not an employee of the Legislature or included in the state civil service, similar to the above described provisions that apply to a California Science and Technology Policy Fellow provided by the CCST.

AB 2979 (Mike Fong) - Income Taxation: Exclusion: Victim Compensation
This bill would exclude from gross income any payment received from the California Victim Compensation Board pursuant to specified law.

AB 3004 (Mike Fong) - Proposition 65: Certificates of Merit: Attorney General Communications
This bill would require the Attorney General, when providing a comment, suggestion, or any other communication in response to the report to one party in a settlement or judgment, to also provide that comment, suggestion, or other communication to all parties to the settlement or judgment.

SB 782 (Limon, Mike Fong) - Gubernatorial Appointments: Report
The bill would require the office of the Governor, on or before January 1, 2027, and annually thereafter, to create and publish on its internet website a report containing aggregate demographic information of appointments made by the office during the prior calendar year, as specified.

AB 2321 (Ortega, Kalra) - Prisons: employee accommodations
This bill would require the department to provide its employees with reasonable and appropriate personal protective equipment based on the employee’s individual needs. This bill would prohibit the department from enforcing its policy that staff be clean shaven. The bill would require the department to establish a task force, as specified, to ensure the department’s policies are inclusive and address their impact on minority racial and religious communities. The bill would require the department to develop a step-by-step procedure for submission of accommodation requests and the interactive process the department will follow when engaging with employees.

AB 2444 (Lee) - Barbering and cosmetology: licensees: manicurists
This bill would require the Department of Industrial Relations, to develop and, by July 1, 2025, disseminate, a notification to all board-licensed establishments and licensed manicurists that includes specified statements to inform those licensees of a change in the law relating to the employment classification of manicurists and of the legal consequences of employment classification as an employee or misclassification of a worker. This bill would also require the board, in consultation with the Department of Industrial Relations and community-based organizations, to develop a language-appropriate and culturally-appropriate posts on basic labor laws, as prescribed, on the board’s internet website or other accessible platform.

AB 2491 (Lee) - Cosmetic Products: Safety
This bill would, commencing January 1, 2025, prohibit the sale or delivery to a person under 13 years of age of an over-the-counter skin care product or cosmetic product advertised to address skin aging that contains vitamin A or its derivatives or an alpha hydroxy acid, and would require an entity that conducts business in California to take specified actions to ensure that the purchaser of an above-described product is not under 13 years of age.

AB 2132 (Low) - Health Care Services
This bill would require an adult patient receiving primary care services in a facility, clinic, unlicensed clinic, center, office, or other setting, as specified, to be offered a tuberculosis (TB) risk assessment and TB screening test, if TB risk factors are identified, to the extent these services are covered under the patient’s health insurance, unless the health care provider reasonably believes certain conditions apply.

AB 2603 (Low) - Hate Crimes: Search Warrants
This bill would authorize a search warrant to be issued on the grounds that the property or things to be seized consists of evidence that tends to show that certain misdemeanor hate crimes, as defined, have occurred or are occurring.

AB 2604 (Low) - Hate Crimes
This bill would specify that discriminatory selection of a victim because of a protected characteristic is a type of bias motivation for purposes of determining whether the crime was committed, in whole or in part, because of the protected characteristic. By expanding the definition of a crime, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill would remove the requirement that law enforcement adopt a policy that includes information on discriminatory selection of victims.

AB 2883 (Low) - Community Colleges: Chancellor of the California Community Colleges
This bill would require each campus of the California State University, and would request each campus of the University of California, to observe Lunar New Year and to be closed on that day, and when Lunar New Year falls on another holiday, to observe Lunar New Year on a preceding or following weekday. The bill would provide that employees of each campus of the California State University are entitled to, and that employees of each campus of the University of California are requested to be entitled to, a paid holiday on Lunar New Year if they are in a paid status during any portion of the working day immediately preceding or succeeding the Lunar New Year holiday.

AB 3034 (Low) - Postsecondary Education: Admissions
This bill would additionally prohibit the campuses of the California State University and the University of California from charging mandatory systemwide tuition or fees, as specified, for students who meet certain requirements, including having completed one year in the California Conservation Corps. The bill would apply to the campuses of the University of California only to the extent that the regents, by appropriate resolution, make it apply.

SB 1078 (Min) - Office of Language Access
This bill would establish the Office of Language Access, within the California Health and Human Services Agency, to ensure individuals with limited English proficiency have meaningful access to government programs and services. The bill would require the Office of Language Access, commencing November 1, 2026, and every other year thereafter, to submit a report to the Legislature and the relevant policy committees that contains specific information, including challenges encountered while implementing Language Access Plans, lessons learned, best practices, and metrics regarding individuals with limited English proficiency who use agency services.

AB 247 (Muratsuchi) - Education Finance: School Facilities: Transitional Kindergarten Through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2024
This bill would set forth the Transitional Kindergarten Through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2024 as a state general obligation bond act that would provide $14 billion to construct and modernize education facilities, as specified. This bond act would become operative only if approved by the voters at an unspecified 2024 statewide election.

AB 2074 (Muratsuchi) - Pupil Instruction: English Learner Roadmap Policy Statewide Implementation Plan
This bill tasks the California Department of Education (CDE) with creating an implementation plan for the California English Learner Roadmap Policy (EL Roadmap).

AB 2155 (Ting) - Bilingual-Oriented Social Equity Services Grant Program
This bill addresses the issues with language access at DSS by creating the Bilingual-Oriented Social Equity Services Grant Program (BOSES). BOSES will be used to equitably distribute funds that will be used to provide a pay differential for direct service professionals whose primary responsibilities include communicating in a language other than English.

SB 980 (Wahab) - Medi-Cal: Dental Crowns and Implants
This bill, for purposes of the above-described Medi-Cal coverage for laboratory-processed crowns, would remove the condition that the tooth be posterior and would apply the coverage to persons 13 years of age or older. Under the bill, this provision would not be construed to exclude Medi-Cal coverage for laboratory-processed crowns on teeth if otherwise required under EPSDT services.

SB 402 (Wahab) - Involuntary Commitment
This bill would additionally authorize a person to be taken into custody, pursuant to those provisions, by a licensed mental health professional, as defined.